Suruga Techno, JB 81200, My
Phone +60139739433

Washing Facilities

A metal parts washing machine cleans metal components using various cleaning solutions and mechanical agitation. The machine typically consists of a tank that holds the cleaning solution and a system of sprayers, brushes, or other mechanical components. These cleaning solution would clear away any dirt, grease, or other contaminants. The parts are typically loaded into the metal parts washing machine using a conveyor or other automated system. Then the automated system ensure the parts are washed and rinsed in multiple stages to ensure thorough cleaning. The machine can be programmed to adjust the temperature, pressure, and duration of each stage to optimize cleaning performance. After the cleaning process, hot air or oven system would dry the parts before being unloaded from the machine.

Category :

Tube Washing

Client :

Washing Facilities

Date :

March 16, 2023

Rating :